Friday, August 30, 2024

The Weight of Yesterday

 Shadows stretch long from history's towers,

Their foundations sunk deep in blood and bone.

Yet we walk blithely through concrete hours,

Pretending the ground beneath is our own.

How swiftly mankind forgets its scars,

The chains that shaped our very DNA.

We gaze at screens instead of at stars,

Blind to the ghosts that haunt every day.

But listen close—the wind carries cries

Of those whose suffering birthed our world.

In every institution's lies,

The flags of conquest remain unfurled.

To move forward while honoring the dead,

We must feel the weight upon our head.


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

My Aspiration

 I dream of a love

where I am both fortress and sanctuary,

where my strength doesn't overshadow my tenderness,

and my softness doesn't diminish my resolve.

I want to be the oak that stands firm,

roots deep, branches reaching,

and also the river that bends and flows,

adapting, nurturing, ever-moving.

In my ideal love,

I listen with the patience of mountains,

speak with the gentleness of a breeze,

touch with hands that know both labor and caress.

And my partner—

a mirror of this fluidity,

soft as morning mist when I need comfort,

unyielding as bedrock when I falter.

Together, we'll dance this delicate balance,

taking turns to lead and follow,

to protect and be protected,

to challenge and support.

I aspire to a love where

vulnerability is strength,

where tears and laughter hold equal value,

where we are both sword and shield for each other.

In this love I seek,

we'll be free to be all parts of ourselves—

the hard, the soft, the in-between,

knowing we're accepted, cherished, whole.

This is my goal:

a partnership of equals,

fluid in our roles,

steady in our commitment,

where love is both our softest touch

and our strongest foundation.


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Beyond the Ticking Clock


are echoes in the wind,

faint and fleeting,

tracing lines in the sand

that the tide will wash away.

we speak in whispers,

trying to capture the infinite

with words that crumble

before they leave our lips.

time pulls us forward,

a relentless current

we cannot fight,

and yet we grasp at moments,

hoping to hold them still,

to make them last

just a little longer.

we are shadows,

caught between the sun and the earth,

dancing in the light

only to fade as night falls.

and in our hearts,

we carry the weight of stars,

the deep, unspoken knowing

that we are more

than this fleeting breath,

more than the ticking of clocks.

but how to say it?

how to find the language

that does not break

under the weight of what we feel?

so we live,

and we dream,

and we try to remember

that though we may pass,

there is something within us

that does not fade,

that does not bow

to time or space.


 'Shadows stretch long from history's towers,

Their foundations sunk deep in blood and bone.

Yet we walk blithely through concrete hours,

Pretending the ground beneath is our own.

How swiftly mankind forgets its scars,

The chains that shaped our very DNA.

We gaze at screens instead of at stars,

Blind to the ghosts that haunt every day.

But listen close—the wind carries cries

Of those whose suffering birthed our world.

In every institution's lies,

The flags of conquest remain unfurled.

To move forward while honoring the dead,

We must feel the weight upon our head.

Echoes In the Bedrock

 Beneath our feet, a whisper grows,

Of lives compressed to sediment.

Their triumphs, fears, and overthrows

Form the ground on which we're resident.

We build our towers, sleek and tall,

Atop the ruins of yesterday.

Pretending that we've heard the call

To break free from history's sway.

But in our veins runs ancient blood,

Our thoughts shaped by forgotten hands.

Try as we might to stem the flood,

The past seeps through in grains of sand.

To move ahead with open eyes,

We must first face old lullabies.

Confront the myths that comfort brings,

And listen as the bedrock sings.


Monday, August 26, 2024

Uncharted Waters

 I stand at the edge of myself,

A map unfolding in my hands,

Creased and worn, yet unexplored territories remain.

Years etched like contour lines,

Peaks of triumph, valleys of doubt,

Each step forward a conquest and surrender.

In her eyes, I see uncharted waters,

Depths I long to fathom,

Yet fear the drowning.

Love, that siren song,

Beckons me to shed my armor,

To be naked in my imperfections.

I am more than the sum of expectations,

Son, brother, friend, potential lover,

Roles that both define and shape my path.

In quiet moments of reflection,

I wonder - am I becoming

The man destined for that soulmate's heart?

Dreams of fatherhood linger on the horizon,

A future role I long to embrace,

When love and timing align.



About Me

My photo
First of all, I love GOD. Proud Christian here! I love the smell of baked goods, seeing dads with their sons at the barbershop, couples walking down the street holding hands, I love my friends and their kids and their dogs and cats and my cats. I love poetry, jazz, old school R&B, Hip hop, Gospel, House, architecture, writing, and baking. I love compliments about my baking, I love Paris, Scarborough Ontario, Latino culture, nappy hair, and the sound of kids laughing. The first thing I do every morning after I crawl out of bed is get on my knees to thank God for letting me see another day. I invite you to join me on this journey on this thing called Life, where you might laugh, cry, and perhaps be enlightened along the way! I might be enlightened as well, based on your responses to my posts. For collaborations: