Wednesday, August 28, 2024

My Aspiration

 I dream of a love

where I am both fortress and sanctuary,

where my strength doesn't overshadow my tenderness,

and my softness doesn't diminish my resolve.

I want to be the oak that stands firm,

roots deep, branches reaching,

and also the river that bends and flows,

adapting, nurturing, ever-moving.

In my ideal love,

I listen with the patience of mountains,

speak with the gentleness of a breeze,

touch with hands that know both labor and caress.

And my partner—

a mirror of this fluidity,

soft as morning mist when I need comfort,

unyielding as bedrock when I falter.

Together, we'll dance this delicate balance,

taking turns to lead and follow,

to protect and be protected,

to challenge and support.

I aspire to a love where

vulnerability is strength,

where tears and laughter hold equal value,

where we are both sword and shield for each other.

In this love I seek,

we'll be free to be all parts of ourselves—

the hard, the soft, the in-between,

knowing we're accepted, cherished, whole.

This is my goal:

a partnership of equals,

fluid in our roles,

steady in our commitment,

where love is both our softest touch

and our strongest foundation.


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About Me

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First of all, I love GOD. Proud Christian here! I love the smell of baked goods, seeing dads with their sons at the barbershop, couples walking down the street holding hands, I love my friends and their kids and their dogs and cats and my cats. I love poetry, jazz, old school R&B, Hip hop, Gospel, House, architecture, writing, and baking. I love compliments about my baking, I love Paris, Scarborough Ontario, Latino culture, nappy hair, and the sound of kids laughing. The first thing I do every morning after I crawl out of bed is get on my knees to thank God for letting me see another day. I invite you to join me on this journey on this thing called Life, where you might laugh, cry, and perhaps be enlightened along the way! I might be enlightened as well, based on your responses to my posts. For collaborations: